Fridge and Freezer Recycling – Eligibility Criteria

We pick up fridges and freezers that are:

  • 10 years old or older
    Check the appliance nameplate for the date of manufacture. If there is no nameplate on the appliance, it likely meets the age requirement. Appliance 411 is a good resource to help determine the age of your appliance.
  • Full sized
    Fridges: 10 – 25 cubic feet (fridges over 5.5 ft high)
    Freezers: 7 – 25 cubic feet
    We will pick up smaller fridges, freezers, and air conditioners if they accompany at least one full-sized appliance.
  • In working condition
    Non-working appliances do not use electricity, and therefore are not eligible for pick-up (please contact your local municipal office to find the nearest recycling depot to dispose of non-eligible appliances).
    Learn more about recycling programs in your area.
  • Located in Nova Scotia
    Fridges that we pick-up must be located in Nova Scotia.


First Nations Communities:

  • Do you live in a band-owned home and own your own appliances?
    You can book your appointment to retire your fridge or freezer right away and your rebate cheque will be mailed directly to you. All standard rebate eligibility requirements apply.
  • Are you a First Nations community wanting to retire band-owned appliances?
    You can book your appointment to retire a fridge or freezer right away. You will need to provide written consent to retire the appliance and provide a name and mailing address for the rebate cheque. Please discuss this with the Service Provider when you book the appointment. All standard rebate eligibility requirements apply.

Someone will have to be home for the appointment, so the Service Provider can get into the home and remove the appliance. You should work with the residents in the home to schedule a time that works for everyone.